Implement IdeaMart SMS application within few minutes using python

I wrote my previous article about python and python flask. It is needed for this tutorial. So if you are not followed it yet link is [1]. If you already familiar with python and if you already setup your machine

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Simple Web Application Using Python flask

Python is awesome programming language. Anyone can learn it easily because its syntax is very simple. Because of that Most of scientist are choosing it for their researches. So that variety of packages available for different areas like image processing,

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IdeaMart Simple SMS Application in Java

IdeaMart Ideamart is a platform presented by Dialog Axiata PLC to developers and content providers to use the Dialog network based features via shared APIs and monetize their efforts. Hope you have an idea about what ideamart is. ideamart is a vast popular platform these days. I have

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A T-Shirt Measurements using Image processing

Project can be categorized to my free lancer career. Identifying the distance of a object by using image processing is currently on research level when we considering very accurate value. In this project I have succeed to measure a distance

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Create a Web application using spring and testing it using selenium web driver

Spring can be used for pass objects through server to web page. In this article I am going to implement a HTML form as a data source. A java class can be created as a POJO(Plain Over Java Object) for

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The requirement of the project is to create a blogging platform that allows users (admins) to create & manage content, approve public comments and track site statistics Design The major specifications were: Admin is able to register/create new users/admins Links

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Android audio multicast

Our Project Using Android devices communication can be done with 2 or more parties using this application. This project is on developing an android “walkie talkie” app to send voice to other android devices using multicast methods. How it’s done

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